
When Total FM is just that

ISO 41001 Facility Management Systems

Total Facility Management brings together international best practices in Facility Management for local application. The 5th edition includes a greater focus on applicable ISO standards in facility management (ISO 4100 series and more). No other book offers an A-Z of the subject for a wide readership that needs answers now on how to manage today’s facilities.

Total Facility Management delivers an accessible and practical text that shows readers how the concept and principles of facility management can be implemented in practice. You can explore this comprehensive review of what facility management means to facility owners, operators, occupiers, facility managers, service personnel and professional advisors.

As a reader, you will benefit from many established and new concepts shaped by evolving practices within facility management in response to changes in society, the business world, institutions and government. Subjects covered in-depth include facility planning, facility management strategy, outsourcing, procurement, facility management organizations, facility maintenance management, business continuity and recovery planning.

Review your copy now.